Will Taking Antidepressants (SSRIs) Affect Intuition and Psychic Ability?

I am no longer taking Prozac. While I stand by what I said in this post — and can understand the potential necessity of psychiatric medication — healing is about constantly reassessing what is working for you. I found another way. You can read about that here.

The Sadness of Stigma. Why True Holistic Healing is Whole.

Will taking antidepressants (SSRIs) affect psychic ability, intuition, spiritual connection, and creativity?

I believed the mind could heal anything. Thoughts alone could heal any disease, knit broken bones back together, halt the growth of tumors, and quell inflammation in the body. Mind over matter.

I still believe in the incredible power of thoughts and the veracity of the human life force. To some extent, mind over matter is true. But, I think the spiritual way to approach Prozac is not to look at it so definitively. Consider the possibility that the mind’s will to live can direct you to the right treatment modalities— including western, allopathic ones.

I’m passionate about natural healing and supplements. In addition to the healing power of thoughts, I believed any ailment could be remedied with a natural cure. I had full confidence in energy healing such as Reiki. I thought that if a physical issue could be addressed energetically before it manifested in the physical world, healing would happen.

Because of my beliefs, I rejected allopathic, western medicine. I thought it wasn’t spiritual to take medication. At the same time, I was suffering from a serious and severe mental illness that was ruining my life. I initially rejected psychiatric medication like antidepressants (SSRIs). Mental health medication is heavily stigmatized, especially in the spiritual and holistic health communities. It is viewed as the worst offender in western medicine. People fear it. They don’t understand how you just can’t “change your thoughts to change your life.”

Can’t you just think better thoughts meditate, exercise, or eat better?

Can’t you just cleanse the negativity away?

Why not try manifesting well-being?

I used to think that way.

If I could go back in time and force-feed myself Prozac, I would. I was afraid I would lose my personality, my intuitive ability, and my creativity.

It took me years of suffering to change my rigid beliefs, and to gamble with taking a pill. I asked myself, “Am I willing to risk losing more years to my mental illness?”

The answer was.. of course not.

I took a chance and swallowed the pill; both metaphorically and physically.

It changed me for the better. I feel much more peaceful and I still feel like me.

I’ve heard all about how meds are just a placebo, how diet could fix it, or how if I just did the “right” kind of exercise, I’d be well.


My perspectives have indeed shifted. I still do believe in energy work and in the power of the human will. I believe that food, supplements, and lifestyle choices are critically important. But, I also believe in integration.

Human intervention is not evil or unnatural. Humans are part of nature and an extension of consciousness, and so is whatever humans create. That means the invention and discovery of SSRIs could be divinely inspired, right?

The either/or approach many people in the spiritual and wellness communities take needs to be updated. I think a true holistic approach is not either/or:

  • western OR eastern

  • physical OR mental

  • natural OR unnatural

It is everything at once.

In addition to taking medication, I take handfuls of supplements and mind my diet. On average, I run five days a week. I receive energy healing and I meditate. I also feel the best that I’ve ever felt in my life.


Does medication affect intuition or psychic ability?

Before taking medication, I felt detached from positive spiritual experiences. I was inundated with fear and anxiety. Several nights after I began taking Prozac, I had a profound, positive spiritual experience that moved me to tears. After years of suffering, I was able to access higher vibrational frequencies again. The medication did not hinder my intuition; it just expanded the range of frequencies I was able to detect because it was moving me out of the vibration of fear.

I do notice a difference in the intensity of my psychic senses. I have to listen a little harder, but they are still there. It has not changed the accuracy of my psychic senses at all. I’ve also noticed I have more confidence in my intuitive insights now that I’m on medication. It has increased my overall spiritual connection.

Did medication negatively impact my creativity?

Taking medication has improved my creativity and ability to produce works of art, writing, and even increased my willingness to learn new artistic skills.

Of course, this is my personal experience and there are no guarantees it would work this way for others. However, I think it is important to share personal experiences so others may consider and learn from them. If you are struggling with the decision to take medication or not, I wish you all the peace in the world.

*Disclaimer: Always listen to the advice of your doctor or licensed mental health professional. I am not a doctor, mental health professional, or other licensed professional. This blog post is for entertainment and informational purposes only and is strictly my personal experience; do not take it as advice.