You Don't Need Certainty

You don't need certainty. 
When it comes to relieving anxiety, forget looking to the statistics and the news. They won't help quell the anxiety --even if they are favorable. 

The only thing we know for sure is that there are a range of possibilities. Yes, some are more likely than others, but the others are not *impossible*..and we want the bad things to be impossible.

The bad things we fear can happen. 

The messy part of dealing with anxiety is accepting that the bad things are possibly true.

Acceptance is not always happy and peaceful. Simply put, it is a cessation of searching. Allow what is to just be.

It doesn't mean you need to err on the side of pessimism. It means you resist reassuring yourself with the news and you sit with the feeling of not knowing. Endless circling conversations about potential outcomes will not bring peace.

What brings peace is being here. Now is peace. There is a place of softness, love, and peace within you already. 

Instead of resisting, try noticing your fear.
Where do you feel it in your body? 

Observe the thoughts you're having without judgement. 
Breathe deeply. Hold it for a few seconds. Exhale.

You are here.