The Truth about Psychic Readings

Acting in the Face of Uncertainty

Whenever people get a reading, they are usually looking for certainty.

Does life go on after death?

Are they going to land a new job?

Will they ever get married?

At first, I would attempt to answer these questions. I would try my best to cut through the noise in my head to find the answers. I thought ..if only people knew for sure, they could move forward.

Now, I know better.

I know these are the wrong questions and searching for certainty is futile. If you break down anything we think we know (as humans), you will arrive at a point where it becomes uncertain. Even scientific conclusions are just reliable expectations. We just don’t know enough about who we are and why we are here on Earth. There isn’t irrefutable objective truth; there is only true enough. I realize this line of thinking is not entirely practical. I’m the one offering intuitive consultations, after all. But my search for meaning and certainty led me to this conclusion. I’ve spent years trying to find certainty for my clients and for myself.

I have had too many anomalous experiences to count. These experiences have ranged from knowing things about the deceased to accurately predicting what was going to happen next. The experiences were (and still are) specific and awe-inspiring. I have tried to understand how they happen and why they happen. Honestly, I don’t know why they happen. I just know they do happen often. I also know that you don’t need to have a prediction to move forward. You can move forward without knowing for sure. Moving forward in the face of uncertainty is an act of radical faith— and that’s all we need.

What I’ve Learned:

  • We don’t know anything for sure.

  • Life is precious and magical.

  • We live in the present moment - not in the future or the past.

  • Faith is not a feeling — it is an action.

  • Faith happens when you confidently step forward and take action in the present moment.

  • You can confront what scares you.

  • You are capable and brave.

My focus has shifted from divining the future to helping people find spiritual solutions to sit with the uncertainties of life.

You don’t need certainty. You need faith.