Ritual Bath: 5 Ways To Turn Your Next Bath Into A Spiritual Experience

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I’m pretty sure bubble baths are a panacea. Heartbroken? Can’t sleep? Feeling down? Feeling ill? All you need is a warm, soothing bubble bath to restore you to perfect vitality and renew your spirit. In many religions, water has been recognized for its healing and cleansing properties over the centuries.

In the modern world, sometimes that time alone in the bath tub is the only time alone we have. Days are long and busy. For some reason, we only allow our minds to unwind during those quiet moments in the bath tub as we fill every other waking moment with work and more work.

Any quiet, alone time is precious and sacred, and that includes whenever you are taking a bubble bath.

Here’s how to treat your next bubble bath like the spiritual experience it is:

  1. Infuse the bathwater with your intentions.

    As the water is filling the bath tub, imagine your intentions. You could use crystals infused with intentions in the bath water as well.

  2. Use essential oils to uplift your spiritual vibration.

    Choose an essential oil that will uplift your spirits. My personal favorite is grapefruit or citrus. Rose or lavender essential oil would also work well for this purpose. Add a few drops to the water.

  3. Use the time to meditate and relax.

    Choose a guided meditation on an app like Spotify or YouTube. Let it play as you are relaxing.

  4. Practice mindfulness to be in the moment.

    Focus on the feeling of the warm water and the scent of the essential oil. Mindfulness is whenever you place your focus on your present experience.

  5. Use visualization to cleanse away negativity.

    As you conclude your bath, visualize any negativity you wish to shed going down the drain with the bath water.

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